On Reflection
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Ah it’s that time of year again, you know the New Year is looming in the back ground and so it’s only natural you sit and look back at the year you’ve had on reflection. I quite like doing this, you spend your time rushing through life that you often don’t have chance to realise all that you’ve achieved and gone through. For us as a family 2016 has been hard but we’ve gotten through it, and even though we are a remarkably close family, I think this year has made us even more closer. I truly am thankful for the family we have because we have needed them for so much support. We always knew the beginning of the year was going to be tough. We’ve faced cancer battles, a potential job loss and a car that seemed to enjoy having things break at least once a month. But hey we’ve gotten through the year and we are still standing.
I wouldn’t say I’m a negative person but neither would I say I was an overly positive person, (both are far too exhausting) but I do believe in making the most of a crappy situation, and I guess that’s what we’ve done this year. With all the doom and gloom we’ve made sure to make happy memories for the girls and us, because laughter really is the best medicine.
So, with a New Year come New Year’s resolutions. Will I be making any? No. No I won’t. I’m just going to carry on doing what I do best and make the most of the best situation. Sure, I will make realistic goals, things I’d like to achieve, like organising the wardrobe (ok maybe that’s not realistic) or winning the lottery (maybe I need to re think these “realistic” goals) but I don’t think I will be making world domination goals. I’m hoping 2017 brings calmness and is smooth sailing. I’m not wanting to seek out excitement, I’m not a thrill seeker, I can read a good book for that. I just want to enjoy my family and enjoy the life that I have.
Muchas Love
Mrs KnittyKnotts
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